Author: NewsDesk

The News Desk is a generic account for publishing guest submissions as well as works not attributed to a lone Colonial News Bulletin author.
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Letters Behind the Blockade: Thoughts on the Gyra and the Ancient’s Wisdom

I served in the Homeworld War. I was at the second Battle of the Yards. And I watched Gyr burn. At the time I was devastated. It was an attack without honor by a man who had none.

I always felt the Gyra were a good and decent people. They didn’t deserve this. And seeing so many on my ship die and watching an entire people’s planet boil, I found it hard to cope. In my time of darkness, I turned to the light. The Order of Dawn became a good part of my life.

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Letter to the Editor: A Soul Makes a Person, not Artificial Intelligence

Dear Editor,

I remember a time when Robotics research held the lofty goal of easing human labor and creating better tools, not fashioning “people”.  Now, it seems, the Galaxy has gone mad and we are asking ourselves if we want to give human status to machines – to tools, mind you.