The following are a summary of fines and punishments handed out recently for individuals found in violation of the laws of New Gyr:
Punishments for Kite Bust outside Three Stone Harbor Assigned
During a string operation, members of the New Gyr Militia identified and detained four persons involved in the sale, distribution and use of the illegal drug known as Kite.
- Pınar Filiz was found to be a Kite user with four fish and assessed a c150 fine (c150 for five fish or less). In addition 10 hours of community service were assigned.
- Ariadna Simo was found to be a Kite user with 10 fish and assessed a c400 fine (c200 per five fish). In addition 20 hours of community service were assigned.
- Katka Dami’jana was found to be a local dealer in possession of 53 fish who was assessed a c3,000 fine (c2,200 for the 53 fish and c1,000 for intent to sell/distribute). In addition, they were assigned 53 hours of community service, one hour for each fish.
- Vladimir Stefan was found to be a kite wholesaler who was found transporting 734 fish and assessed a c30,400 fine (c29,400 for the Kite in their possession and c1,000 for intent to sell/distribute). As this was their second offense and it occurred during a probationary period after their House Arrest ended for similar charges, they will be sent to Dor Len Sono for rehabilitation.Once the program is complete, they will be placed in House Arrest again and assigned 734 hours of community service, one hour for each fish. They were also informed that a third such offense would mean that Excommunication would be considered.

WAC, Fines given to members of Illegal Dueling Club
The trail of five persons found to be participating in an illegal dueling club ended with the members being assessed several punishments.
Arkadi Josif was found not to be participating in the duels, but performing functions of a healer without proper certification was assessed with the following
Claims that the members thought their healer was certified were determined to be false when one member provided chat transcripts as evidence that all parties knew that not to be the case.
In addition to the fine, a sentence of 500 hours of community service in the MedBay was assessed as the individual showed some knowledge of healing. The presiding judge stated that any hours spend in a classroom working toward formal certification would count toward the community service.
Serdar Vuk and Aca Sedef were in the middle of a duel when approached by security and continued with their duel after multiple instructions from security to disarm. Each was assessed with c1,800 fines as follows:
- c800 for failure to disarm
- c500 for carrying an illegal dueling blade (long vibrosword)
- c500 for carrying an illegal dueling blade (hidden knife)
This marks the third offense for each of carrying an illegal dueling blade. That, combined with failure to disarm, necessitated Weapons Access Cuffs (WAC) being placed on both persons.
In addition both Vuk and Sedef will be sentenced to 500 hours of community service each, 400 hours for actions related to the duel and 100 hours for knowingly paying for healing services from a non-certified healer. The removal of the WAC will be determined at a later date, after the conclusion of their community service.
Jelka Hana was on the sidelines when security arrived and was found not to be in possession of an illegal dueling blade. However a blade recovered at the scene had their fingerprints present on it (and only their fingerprints). A review of their financial transactions showed that they had purchased the weapon from a third-party (who will be investigated for the sale of weapons to an unauthorized buyer). This resulted in the assessment of a c500 fine for carrying an illegal dueling blade and 100 hours for knowingly paying for healing services from a non-certified healer. Their legal counsel has vowed to appeal the ruling since the blade was not on their person at the time of arrest.
Finally the informant Cemil Yevdo’kiya was charged with c500 for carrying an illegal dueling blade, even though they were not physically in possession of one at the time of arrest. In exchange for evidence related to the certification of the healer and an agreement not to appeal the fine, the sentence of community service was waved.
Guilty Verdict in Serial Hacker Case
After a four-week trial in which multiple individuals provided testimony, Tripyvi Nasim who had been accused of a year-long spree of serial hacking incidents, including incidents against Augmented persons, was found guilty.
They were charged with a total of nine counts of hacking and possession of eight Hack Coins at the time of arrest.
They were assessed a total fine of c18,150. This breaks down as follows:
- Six counts of hacking (c2,000 for each count)
- Possession of eight hack coins at the time of arrest (c500 for each coin)
- Possession of two hack coins used in part in the six counts of hacking (c500 for each coin) – This is highly unusual as most fines are assessed for coins in possession and not for use however the defendant has not indicated interest in appeal. Evidence of the coins use was obtained from review of Nasim’s communication logs
- Possession of three fish of Kite at the time of arrest (c150)
- Possession with intent to sell/distribute (c1,000). Nasim’s communication log indicated that two of the fish were to be given to two of their friends as a gift, so even though no money was exchanged this was seen as intent to distribute.
Three of the hacking charges were dismissed when it was revealed that Nasim was found to be working under contract from the Enterios Corporation and the hacks were found to be legitimate in the execution of Enterios contracts against their property since the Augments were failing to uphold their end of the contract. This caused some commotion in the courtroom during the trial and the judge had to have the room cleared before proceedings could continue.
Nasim was placed under house arrest and has restricted movement. They are only permitted to go to their place of employment and the market. In addition 250 hours of community service were assessed.
Attempted ASSASSIN Excommunicated
After the verdict of Emeka Chi’kelu from Baryos was assessed, a judgement panel reviewed the case and provided a summary Excommunication for the individual. While some question the need for such a gesture, as sentencing will likely see Chi’kelu serving a life sentence on Baryos, others feel that it sends a message to killers for hire that they are not welcome on New Gyr.