Take a break from voting for the future of New Gyr, and instead vote for the best Vid produced this standard galactic cycle! The Galactic Vid Awards continue voting until 9:30 PM this evening. Each Homeworld, from Agerre to Zé has a Vid in the competition, and your votes will help decide which Vid should win.
Agerre – Injured
Two injured soldiers protect a space station in an adaptation of an Agerran folk tale. The script was smuggled off world and produced by ex-pat Agerrans.
Baryos – Darkest Before
Big budget action adventure, loosely based on the founding of the Dawnlighters, as one Innate warrior fights a battle against Ancient armies.
Dor Len Sono – The Villagers in The Wind-Born Romance
Latest installment in the long running serial about the lives and loves of a small Dor Len village, featuring the wedding of Sen Cau Tori and Jan Tun Ren.
New Gyr – Dive
Young Gyra rebels against traditions, but learns the value of history through a series of stories told through flashbacks, leading to a recreation of Old Gyr.
Ottsalia – Brilliant Charteuse Running Dream
Rapidly paced music video about a man surviving in the jungle of the city, but also the actual jungle at the same time.
Zé – Then There Were Stars
A romantic drama about a Peakborn who falls in love with one of the Sunken, during the period where Zé was first encountering interstellar society.
Which Homeworld's Vid Should Win?
- New Gyr: Dive (100%, 1 Votes)
- Agerre: Injured (0%, 0 Votes)
- Baryos: Darkest Before (0%, 0 Votes)
- Dor Len Sono: The Villagers in The Wind-Born Romance (0%, 0 Votes)
- Ottsalia: Brilliant Charteuse Running Dream (0%, 0 Votes)
- Zé - Then There Were Stars (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 100